Yachts & Vessels Registration

Ofrecemos servicios a nuestros clientes en todo el mundo, los clientes pueden estar en cualquier país y no sólo estamos ofreciendo el registro de buques en Panamá, también ofrecemos el registro de buques con las banderas de diferentes ...

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Fishing Vessel Registration

El registro marítimo de la República de Panamá es el registro más importante del mundo, y no es por casualidad, sino el resultado de una política marítima coherente, cualitativa y progresiva con la que ha alcanzado una excelente ...

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Procedure for Ship Registration

Una de las características clave que coloca al registro de Panamá como un registro de buque abierto o bandera de conveniencia es que cualquier persona natural o jurídica tiene la alternativa de registrar su buque siendo un ciudadano...

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Pleasure Yacht Registration

Leisure vessels or yachts can be registered under the Panama flag. Once an application to the Panama Maritime Authority has been made , all pleasure yachts will obtain a patent of navigation valid for 2 years.

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I worked with Gerli & Company team on an Maritime labor dispute within our hear office in Panama City, involving gender grade group assignment. I am certain the firm had many other cases, however, I felt like I was a priority to the firm, and mostly to the staff assigned to our case. We had 24/ 7 communication while we visited Panama, they were reachable at all times and worked hand to hand with me during the entire process. Staff members, and legal assistants to the partners, had cutting knowledgeable and professionalism at its best. Without question, what was perceive as unpleasant, became more tolerable.

Our Team

Emmanuel O. Gonzalez

Naval Engineer

Luisa Valdivieso

Certified Public Accountant

Ismael Gerli

Attorney at Law

Yelly Lopez

Maritime Law


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